Sunday, July 26, 2009


I've got a sudden holiday! Starting from tomorrow until August 2nd, my campus will be closed due to the avoidation of H1N1 virus. What an unexpected case! It makes me dizzy where I will stay for some days?

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Pahang Tour!

It seemed that I will go to Pahang for this mid semester break! Sounds great? Absolutely!
Okay this is my project assignment of Video Digital Production class that supposes me and my group member to find any places that can be promoted in a documentary film. After a long long discussion, we finally decided to choose Berjaya Hills, Bukit Tinggi, Pahang as our destination.

Well, plan has been changed. Maybe we stay at KL, my uncle's house and then we go to Berjaya Hills.
It will be so exciting to go holiday with my coursemates. I will go with Vivi and Ika. Maybe my other friends will join also, Ossa, Mellyn and Dek Vid.

In that project I'll be the host and ... make-up artist?! Are you kidding me? LOL!
I'll be wearing dress and becoming a feminime girl for a while. Hahahahaha!
And the places that we'll visit are :

1). Colmar Tropicale - It's a French-themed resort. Its view looks like somewhere in France. Yeah, based on its website, it was inspired by the real Colmar Village in Alsace, France. Here you can see so many performances! There are dancers, musicians, magicians, tightrope walkers, jugglers, unicyclists, acrobats and more!

2). Japanese Village - Like the name, it's a place that is decorated with Japanese culture. It's located 3,500 feet above the sea. Here you'll find Japanese Tea House & Garden, Botanical Garden, Tatami Spa, and so on!

3). Berjaya Hills Golf & Country Club

4). Berjaya Hills Horse Trail

5). The Chateau Spa Resort - This is the place where you can do spa thinggy! Waw!

I really cannot wait to visit that place! x)

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Protocol Course

I attended Protocol Course this evening. It's a compulsory course that must be attended before you graduate from Universiti Utara Malaysia. I chose this date (July 21st) because so many of my friends chose that date too, including my room mates. At first I chose on August 6th but then I changed.

The course was yeah quite interesting. The speaker was full of joke, and I really enjoyed it. After the theory, we took a break for an hour. We used this opportunity to take a ton of photos. Yeah if not that time, when? Most of us don't have same free time. So this was the the time when we gathered!

Almost all of my batch attended Protocol Course on July 21st so, we made noises everytime everywhere. We had a lot of fun that day :)


Monday, July 20, 2009

Manchester United Euphoria - Harry Potter - Missing Flight

I've just back from Kuala Lumpur. What did I do there? Watching my most favorite football team ever, Manchester United, LIVE from Bukit Jalil! Can you feel what I was feeling? GREAT! Yeah, it had been my dream since I was 12.

I was leaving on Friday morning, July 17th by Durian Burung Bus. My boyfriend brought me to Changloon, because the nearest station to go to Hentian Kajang is from Changloon. Yeah, I would stay at my friend's house, at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Kajang. And when we reached Changloon, we saw the bus (I actually didn't know what the destination of that bus was) and we turned back our car. When we almost reached the bus, suddenly the bus went. How panic I was! So was my boyfriend! The bus was supposed to go at 9.00 am and that was still 8.40 am!

We tried to overtake the bus and I tried to call the bus center at Alor Star. And the officer said that the bus that would go to Kajang had not come yet. Oh, relieved! We went back to Changloon again and we waited there. And yeah, the bus came!

And, careless me did something stupid! What's that? Okay, that was Friday so I thought that every Muslim man would do Jumaa't prayer. So when the bus stopped at a Hentian (I really didn't have any clue where that was!), I just sat alone like stupid person the waited. But I didn't know what brought me to the bus park, I walked there and once again I saw the bus left! Left me! Oh God! Double panic! My bag was in the bus. With no thinking I found a man with his family just stopped at that Hentian. I asked him to overtake the bus! I didn't even know him! But they helped me, Alhamdulillah! And the bus was not too far from us so it still could be overtaken. Allah blesses you always, kind family :)

Fortunately the bus driver was not upset (or should be me who was upset? I was not sure). And when I reached Kajang, my room mate, who supposed to accompany me watching that match, but had not left yet because of some events, canceled to go there. Oh crap, I was so angry. I already ordered two tickets from! But I could not do anything anymore. So I asked my friend in Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia to accompany me.

And here I went! Waw that was so great! I watched my idols LIVE! I was compassionate and I cried! How over! But that's true, I was TOO exited to see my idols playing the match. I met friends from forum Manchester United lover it that was so fun when we mocked at other club's fans who dared to wear their favorite teams' jersey to that match.

We've got the ticket yayy!

Go to hell, BASI-lona


MU Supporters

The final score was 3-2. I was so salute to Malaysia National team, they were so great! And waw Michael Owen, the new number seven of Manchester United, scored one goal in the last minutes!

New obsession : Michael Owen

But the saddest point was that I didn't have any opportunity to take picture(s) with them :'(

After seeing match, we went to Pavilion, to watch Harry Potter and Half-Blood Prince. We would see a midnight show. But we got the seat that was in the lowest place. Oh God, that made me sleepy. In the middle of the movie. I slept. Ahaa!

We reached Kajang at 4.30 am. My flight to Alor Star was at 07.00! Wew but I was sooo sleepy so I slept for an hour. At 5.50 I woke up and didn't take a bath ;p
We left from Kajang at 06.20! So 'early', Nadra! And the continuity could be guessed, the flight had already taken off! Smarty you, Nadra! I directly called my boyfriend who supposed to pick me at Alor Star Airport. Poor him, he should be very sleepy wake up at that time!

Finally I decided to go home by Monday morning. I skipped three classes on Sunday! SO SAD :'(

Moral message : Don't follow my stupidity!



Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Oh-So-Heavy Fifth Season!

Hello folks! I'll be updating my campus life now. Teehee ;p
It's been a couple of weeks since the new semester is begun. Great, by these week, I've done some things. I was helping my juniors changing program. One of them is going to change his program to the same program with me. So, I'm the senior, who had ever changed program too, have to help the junior! LOL.

And I'm so dizzy. Why? I had changed my course for two years so I already forgot the procedure. Then they asked me about step by step how to change course I just told them what I remembered. The most complicated one is meeting the Academic Dean. He is so busy, not at his desk, always.

But Alhamdulillah finally they finished it already and they all are accepted to their new program. Congratulations! And my new junior wanted me to give him advices, what subject he must take. And all is done. He got all his class. Hahaha.

And talking about assignments. Oh my, I really can't bear it anymore (over). One subject with two or three BIG assignments. Wew. It's still early in the semester! (tears)

By the way, two days ago I bought a broadband. Since the connection in my room is so sucks, I decided to buy this. And waw soooo fast. Yummooo!

And you know what, tomorrow I'll be at Kuala Lumpur. For what? Watching my Manchester United. If I'm lucky, I can take a picture with some players! HAHAHAAHAHA. In your dream! Don't you know that there are so many Manchester United fans all over the world?

Okay folks, I gotta go. I have class. Smell ya!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Fifth Season!

Liburan bentar lagi segera berakhir oh crap! Kembali lagi ke rutinitas! Wewwwww!

Minggu lalu gue dah cabut dari kota gue tercinta, Palembang dan balik ke Kuala Lumpur bareng nyokap ama adek gue. Trus di sana ketemuan sama si Uut temen sekamar gue tercinta *yaksss*

Besoknya kita cabut ke Singapore (jadi juga gue ke Singapore, hahaha *baca : link ini*). Nyampe Singapore besok paginya dan langsung dikejutkan oleh kabar Michael Jackson meninggal dunia. So sad, he's one of great legends in music industry. May God bless him, always. Amen.

Sorenya langsung jalan ke Sentosa, besoknya ke Orchad Road, Chinatown. Dan hari terakhir ke Vivo City. Lumayan ;p
Singapore emang negara yang sangat keren sekali! Yayy!

Minggu malem gue balik ke KL dan siangnya langsung cabut ke hutan hehehe ;p

Tadi gue seharusnya dah mulai kegiatan ko kuriulum. Ok, semester lalu gue tarik diri dari ko kurikulum lama gue, Tarian Melayu dan udah mendaftar ke ko kurikulum baru, Pembangunan Masyarakat. Nah, masalahnya gue ga tau, gue kumpulan mana dan kelas jam brapa? Mana portal pake acara ga bisa dibuka segala! Kemaren gue sama Adi cek di Pusat Ko Kurikulum tapi sama aja, yang gue tau cuman kelasnya di DKG 4 dan itu cuman gue liat di jadwal, ga nanya sama kounternya langsung, soalnya kemaren Jumat, tutup dia.

Jadilah tadi gue sama Wie dateng pagi-pagi buta ke DKG 4 dan nyari kelas yang ada Pembangunan Masyarakat III nya. Nah pas lagi bingung di kelas mana gue ko k, ada Encik-Ganteng-dan-Nampak-Muda lewat. Dia nanyain kami mau masuk kelas mana? Gue karena terpesona sama gantengnya dia, cuman nyengir. Ya, nyengir. Ga kunjung ketemu kelas, gue sama Wie naik ke atas buat nyari kelas lagi. Di sana ada kelas yang dah ada jurulatih ko k nya. Gue ama Wie memutuskan untuk masuk ke kelas itu dan nanya soal kebingungan kami. Dan voila si Encik-Ganteng-dan-Nampak-Muda itu lagi ngajar di depan! Meleleh.

Dengan sok malu malu gue nanya soal semuanya dan jawabannya hanya 'Pergi Pusat Ko K'. Ok. ok. Gue ninggalin kelas dengan berharap 'Encik yang ajar saya'. Sebelum gue cabut, gue intip tuh namanya. ROSLEY *baca : Rusli*

Nyampe Pusat Ko K rame banget yang namanya freshman mau daftar ko k. Pake dikirain junior lagi. Wei gue semester 5! *sombong*
Ternyata harus key in data lagi. CAPEK DEH. Ga ko k deh gue.

Abis dari Pusat Ko K, mau beli point bus di Muamalat. Rame bujug dah! Sial. Terpaksa ngantri dah. Ada yang nyerobot lagi, pengen gue jejelin sepatu rasanya! Buangke! Dan tanpa disengaja gue ketemu anak Melayu yang ambil Pembangunan Masyarakat juga, ternyata dia diajar si Encik Rosley nan tampan itu hahaha :D:D:D Tapi gue langsung lemes, udah kawin, bininya cantik dah beranak dua :hammer:

Dan besok gue dah kuliah! Males gilaa! Eh banyak anak baru nih mantapp! Seger mata gue ;p
Selamat datang kembali dunia perkuliahan!