Thursday, September 30, 2010

30 day challenge : a recent picture of me and 15 interesting facts about myrself

Yes it is the most recent picture of me.
It was taken by Bang Radhy on Thursday, September 16th, 2010 at Pavillion, Bukit Bintang, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. We were eating western food there while waiting for Uti, Bang Radhy's girlfriend.

Interesting facts? I don't know whether these are interseting or not. Here we go :

1.My given name is Kanya Nadra Andhina, but in cyber world I use Nadra Asjoedjir as my name. Nadra is my nickname and Asjoedjir is my family name. I am 21 years old, my body is slender, and I am not tall. Not mature yet :(

2. I have so many nicknames. Nadra from my close friends, Uni from my family (I am pure Minangkabau and I am the oldest daughter in my family), Rabbit from my mom (because I am naughty like rabbit(?), Cina Nyasar (because my face looks like Chinese), Kanya from people who just know me, Nut from my best friend (because nut is read as nad and my face got so many pimples then they made an analogy that nut = pimple), and Once from my ex-room mate, Sarah (because I am Oon a.k.a stupid).

3. I like doing online. I can stand sitting in front of a laptop/computer as long as there is internet connection in that laptop/computer. Actually, I consider it as bad habit. A day without internet means nightmare for me. Hahaha.. I don't pay attention to anything around me when I am doing online. I become bad mood if someone disturbs me when I am doing online. :P

4. I really love MANCHESTER UNITED. I don't have reason for this and I was thinking that maybe God created me to this world to fall in love with this club. And I have a dream (and I hope it will be coming true), someday I will go to Theater of Dream, Old Trafford, a cozy home of Manchester United. Glory glory Manchester United, United for life!

5. I am very clumsy. Although in a rush time, I still can't make my movement faster * sigh *

6. I am stubborn, intractable, or whatever you call this. I can keep my thought and opinion as well, but sometimes I can be influenced by other people. Or in the other word, I am wishy washy.

7. My favorite number is 7. Also don't have any reason why I love this number. My handphone numbers ended by 7, my matric number also ended by 7 :P

8. Before planning to study abroad to Malaysia, I wanted to study at ITB, in Sekolah Bisnis Manajemen and I successfully got that course after doing USM test. But unfortunately, my dad didn't agree. Then, because my dad wanted me to study in Malaysia, university that I really wanted to become my place to study is Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. And once again my dad didn't agree. And destiny brought me to Universiti Utara Malaysia. Ever planned to move to UKM but I changed my mind. Now I can adapt with this campus life although the location is in the jungle. Haha ..

9. I smoke just when I get depressed. Yeah, problems come insistently. Welcome to the real world, Nadra!

10. I've been in love so many times but I am easily got bored. Now I have a relationship with him. I love him. Yeah I do and I mean it. I am serious, although my mom ever said her disagreement to him since he is just two years older than me. But then, when they met each other, my mom just welcomed him well. Hahahaha future partner, who will know?

11. I like paying attention to a simple guy, wearing plain t-shirt with flops or sneakers.

12. My favorite foot wearing are flat shoes and sneakers. It used to be high heels but I don't know why now high heels is one of foot wearing that I avoid :P

13. Although I hate Chelsea FC, I ever fell in love with John Terry! Hahahahahaha .. Strange? Yeah. Objectively he is a sexy man with good sex appeal. And the reason why now I don't like him anymore is that he became the loser because of his failure to do crucial penalty kick (that actually almost brought Chelsea became the Champion of Europe for the first time) in final match of UEFA Champions League vs Manchester United (hahahahahaha, glory MU).

14. I really really hate the music called dangdut. Well don't think that I don't love my country's music but really, my ears can't accept dangdut. :(

15. I don't like vegetables. I find hard to eat it. I try to love it but when I eat it, I feel like wanting to throw out.

Hmmmmm it is just the same with previous facts. But some editing :p

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

I found a blog challenge from Tumblr.
Sounds interesting, lemme start it by next month :3

Monday, September 20, 2010

Sekilas dari saya

Sumpeeee ini apdetan gue setelah (lagi-lagi) sekian lama ga apdet.
Hmmmph emang akhir-akhir ini gue males banget yang namanya online via laptop, ditambah brodben gue dicabut gara-gara belum bayar dua bulan! Damn damn dadadamn damn!

Gue baru balik dari Padang, kampung halaman nyokap ama bokap gue. Sempet di Jakarta 3 harian, tapi di Palembang ga nyampe 24 jam.. Sedihnya :(

Anyway lumayanan banget nih gue dapet iPod classic 80GB dengan harga Rp 1,5 juta doang.. Thanks buat Nanda Al-Humaira yang bersedia menjualnya ke gue :D

Hmmmmm libur Idul Fitri kemarin gue makin merasakan kedekatan gue dengan keluarga. Dulu gue ngerasa gue ga bersyukur banget. Tapi sekarang gue sadar gue sayang banget sama mereka dan bersyukur punya mereka, biar apapun terjadi :)

Terakhir, wish me luck yaaa temans, insya Allah Desember ini gue praktikum di ANTV :):):)