Friday, October 29, 2010

Masa-masa S1 gue sudah hampir berakhir. Ternyata kalau dipikir-pikir sedih banget loh pas tau bahwa masa itu akan lewat. Gue jadi teringat awal-awal gue kuliah di sini, menemukan temen-temen yang menyenangkan atau yang fake plastic tree. Menemukan dosen-dosen yang baik atau yang pelit nilai, menemukan orang-orang kantin yang ramah atau yang jutek, dan lain-lain.

Udah mau tiga setengah tahun gue menuntut ilmu di sini, semoga gue ga ngecewain Ayah dan Bunda yang sudah susah-susah menguliahkan saya di sini. Aku harus bikin mereka bangga dan tersenyum di masa depan!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Dilema tempat tinggal pas magang

Okay, buat yang belum tau *jahhh penting banget ye buat tau :p*, mulai 13 Desember ntar gue akhirnya confrim PKL (Praktek Kerja Lapangan) di tvOne. Surat konfirmasi buat kampus udah gue kasih, sekarang tinggal nunggu masanya magang aja. Horeeeeeeeeeeee!

Tempat magang gue, si tvOne itu terletak di Kawasan Industri Pulogadung, Jakarta. Gue bakal magang selama empat bulan. Sekarang, yang menjadi concern gue adalah tempat tinggal.

Jadiiiiiiiiiii, gue sebetulnya ga tinggal di Jakarta. Tiap gue ke Jakarta, rumah tante gue *kakaknya nyokap gue* adalah tempat gue numpang. Lokasi rumah tante gue ini adalah Buaran, Klender.

Dengan posisinya sama-sama di Jakarta Timur, bokap gue nyuruhnya gue tinggal di rumah tante gue. Tapi sejujurnya dalam hati gue yang paling dalam, ditambah dengan saran temen-temen gue yang emang tinggal di Jakarta, gue pengen berat ngekos! Temen-temen gue juga nyaranin kosnya kalo ga di Rawamangun, di Kelapa Gading. Entah kenapa gue lebih tertarik di Rawamangun. Ditambah gue iseng nyari di Kaskus, gue nemu kosan yang mampus enak banget di Rawamangun.. Liat di sini dan di sini deh buat info lebih jelas.

Nahhhhh bokap gue lebih bersikeras nyuruh gue tinggal di rumah tante gue di Buaran itu. Sampe beliau bilang rela nyewa mobil kantornya di Jakarta buat anter dan jemput gue. Etdah! Kantor bokap gue di Jakarta itu di Kebun Jeruk, jauh amat mau jemput gue di Buaran!

Ya mungkin niat bokap gue baik, beliau ga mau gue kenapa-kenapa. Beliau mau ada yang ngawasin gue di Jakarta. Tapi tetep hati gue selalu bilang, "Ayah, Uni udah 21 tahun loh, ga ngasih Uni kesempatan buat belajar hidup? Uni ga mau manja terus loh Yah.. Buaran sama Pulogadung itu mungkin kalo liat di peta kaya deket. Tapi ini Jakarta Yah, bukan Palembang. Macet."

Sepupu gue si Almas yang adalah anak dari tante gue itu juga bilang, jauh banget rumah dia sama Pulogadung. Hahhhhhhhhhhhh tuh kan.. Nyokap gue aja nyuruh gue ngekos.

Jadi gimana ini gimana? Yang ada hanyalah dilema :(

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Hamingjusamasta líf

Minggu ini adalah minggu yang cukup membahagiakan. Alhamdulillah thesis gue sudah mencapai angka 65% selesai. Ok, rush, rush! Due date-nya diundur sampe akhir November.

Setelah sekian lama gue ga ngadep dosen pembimbing thesis gue yang tak lain tak bukan adalah Encik Jimmy Asmara (bukan nama sebenarnya), akhirnya hari Kamis kemarin gue muncul juga. Hahahaha pasti dia dah pusing nyariin mana si Kanya sampe nama gue aja dia lupa!

Dan yosh! Itu dia, Alhamdulillah thesis sampe bab 2 di-proceed sama dia dan gara-gara itu gue semangat, balik dari situ gue langsung ngerjain bab 3! Tinggal questionnaire-nya aja yang belum gue kelarin.

Truuuuus, gue tanggal 3 November bakal balik sebentar ke Indonesia, buat ngurusin magang gue di tvone. Makasih banget buat yang dah ngebantuin gue magang di situ :)
Dikit lagi kesampean juga gue magang di Jakarta, abisnya gue ga bisa jauh sama ... :(

Oh iya, kemarin bapaknya Cokii, Om Eddy mampir sehari di kampus gue, maklum ada dinas di Kuala Lumpur, tapi nyempetin main ke sini demi ketemu Cokii *sahhh*.

Gue kalo soal gugup ya pastilah, gue jarang ketemu dan ngobrol sama beliau.. Jedag jedug tralala deh gueeeee.. Untung Om Eddy orangnya nyantai hihihihi..

Hmmmmmmm apalagi ya? Oh iya minggu ini sampe minggu depan bakal jadi minggu tersibuk di semester ini, tanggal 26 dan 27 Oktober ada final exam. Oh no!
Seperti biasa, wish me luck, guys :)

Saturday, October 16, 2010

30 day challenge : someone you would want to switch lives with for one day and why

If I get a change to switch my life with hmmmmmm with.. Really I have no idea, but I force it.
Oh-kay, I will change my life with my room mate, Yugi.

Yeah I know she's lonely since she's the only child in her family. But that's the challenge!
Usually I have my siblings around me and I have to share anything with them but if I change my life with Yugi, I will get anything I want. Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha :p

with roomate :3

Friday, October 15, 2010

30 day challenge : another picture of yourself

Emmmmmm it was taken a month ago, right after going outside a whole day,
on of my activity that day was going to saloon.
New pony but it's long already -,-

Thursday, October 14, 2010

30 day challenge : put your ipod on shuffle: first 10 songs that play

1. 5 years - Björk
2. The Modern Age - The Strokes
(this song reminds me, a year ago he played it with his band :])
3. Tricks - Mew
4. The Fight - Vanilla Sky
5. Slow Ride - Beastie Boys
6. View from Heaven - Yellowcard
7. Boyfriend - D'Sound
8. Destitute Illusions - Jamiroquai
9. Where am I - MONO
10. Ticket to Ride - The Beatles

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

30 day challenge : a picture of you and your family

I love you :)
And.. this photo was taken three years ago.
We haven't taken the recent picture yet.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Monday, October 11, 2010

30 day challenge : how you found out about blog and why you made one

It was when I was in Senior High School that my friend introduced blog to me and pushed me to make one. But I was not that interested that time.
Then over a year later when I first studied in Malaysia, I suddenly had a passion to make blog after reading Raditya Dika's book.
Then yeah, I still post entry to this blog until now.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

30 day challenge : another picture of you and your friends

It was taken over a year ago when my room mate, Yugi went to Kuala Lumpur to meet her (ex) boyfriend. Then we just made her jealous with that photo hahahaha..
Buat Yugi : Hari Gini ke KL?
(For Yugi : Is it still in going to KL?)
Hahahahaha just a bad English translation from me since I am not good in slang words.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

30 day challenge : songs you listen to when you are happy, sad, bored, hyped, mad

When I am happy, I will listen to :
You Only Live Once - The Strokes
OSCA - Tokyo Jihen
Do I Need a Reason - D'Sound

When I am sad, I will listen to :
Blue Day - Endah n Rhesa
Misery - Maroon 5

When I am bored, I will listen to :
Hollywood Nobody Songs

When I am hyped :

When I am mad :
Beastie Boys Songs
Björk Songs
KoЯn songs

What about yours?

Friday, October 8, 2010

30 day challenge : something you’re proud of in the past few days

I think I am proud of the success of my speech in my public speaking class.

You know, yeah, I am so talkative but unfortunately I am not at public speaking, delivering speech.
But almost a week ago, on October 3rd I had a speech but then I could make it well :)

Thursday, October 7, 2010

30 day challenge : short term goals for this month and why

By the end of this month, my goal is that I can finish doing my thesis so that I can be out of this jungle as soon as possible!
Oh yeah, one more, I hope that I can get a good news from any television station in Jakarta.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

30 day challenge : favorite super hero and why

Actually I am confused to choose since I don't really like any super hero stuff. But if I have to choose one, I will choose Spiderman. Because I am jealous that he can fly with his thread.
I wish I could have one :(
And he can climb everything. Waw!
And the instinct, coolio!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Sunday, October 3, 2010

30 day challenge : a habit that you wish you didn’t have

I wish I did not shake my feet when I got nervous.
And stayed focus. *sigh

til hamingju með afmælið *

* happy birthday (Icelandic)

Yes today is my 21st birthday.
What so special?
No birthday blast, no present.
Hahaha but no, I do not say it is not special.
I really enjoy my birthday today.
There was a little surprise from my friends Rindy, Ossa and Wulan.
They brought me a slice of tiramisu.
I do not measure it from its size, no. But I was affected.
Because my friends is still caring about me. And I appriciate it.
Here is some picts :

Hmmmm beside the surprise from my friends, I also had another one, which I really like most. Yes, from him.
At 12 o'clock exactly, we were watching The Fourth Kind on the laptop and suddenly he paused the film, shook my hand and said 'Happy Birthday' the hugged me. Very tight, and.. kissed me. I was very very surprised and nothing can describe how happy I was until I cried. Then he was confused. I love you Cokii.. I really really do.

My wish this year :
be able to cook
be able to sew
finish study
finish thesis
get closer to him :)


Saturday, October 2, 2010

30 day challenge : a picture of you and your friends

My coursemates - Technology Media (Mass Communication) - at Mc Donald Alor Star Mall
Breaking of fasting together :)

From left to right : me, Rindy Aulia Chaidir, Testarossa Gandhi, Syifa Luthfia Sunassa and Trie Wulandari.

Syifa is not my coursemate actually, she is doing Insurance Management. But since she is Ossa's roommate, we invited her too :D

Friday, October 1, 2010

30 day challenge : the meaning behind your blog name

My blog :

Nadra : my nickname, since my full name is Kanya Nadra Andhina. It was given by my grandmother, the meaning is glowing face :p

Kacang : it is Indonesian word for 'nut', and in Indonesia also pronounced 'nat', almost similar to my nickname in shot, 'nad'. I want to 'Indonesianize' it.. Hahahaha.. And since my pimple, everyone says I am peanut garden, kebun kacang. Hadaaaaah!

That's all :p