Tuesday, October 11, 2011

What a day to remember. It is just memory, starting from now

Yeah, I'm back.
Akhirnya kuat juga gue buat nulis blog lagi. Kemaren-kemaren masih galauski dong gara-gara post-graduation syndrome.
Intinya gue sedih banget ninggalin kampus yang dulu padahal gue caci maki trus. Ya gue seneng lah bisa lulus, tapi pas sadar tempat itu udah jadi kenangan, gue langsung sedih :'(
Keinget teman-teman, dosen-dosen, orang-orang di kafe dan lain-lain.
Kangen sama kamar apartemen gue, yang kemaren pas ke situ ga sempet lagi gue tengokin :(
Kalo gue persentasi-in, orang yang gue temuin pas wisuda kemarin mungkin ga nyampe 10% deh dari total orang yang gue kenal selama kuliah. Banyak temen Malaysia gue, kaya Nadiah, Sharm, Ejay, Syawal dan lain-lain yang ga gue temuin :'(
Bahkan gue ga punya foto sama roomate gue jaman apartemen, Yugi dan Uut trus Zulmi (udah pulang duluan) :'(
Ah banyak!
Kalo bisa ngulang, gue mau dateng ke semua konvo yang ada kemarin. Trus balik ke Indonesianya agak lamaan dikit :'(
Yah, yasudahalah.

Sekarang liat foto-foto gue aja yukski :p

Niat abis bawa Inside United dari Indo!


Bersama Puan Nurin, dosen favorit gue :)

Uda Aul, my brother :)

Million thanks for them, my Ayah and Bunda :)

Temen sekamar pas di Kachi, Sarah Cece aka. Onci :)

Dewan Mu'adzam Shah behind me

Gan Yong Li! Joker of Media Technology!

Si Sedi yang dihantuin undangan konvo gue haha thanks for coming, Sed :)

Ini mah pingat emasnya si Sasya :p

Rindy, seperjuangan praktikum di Jakarta

A071 - Intake July 2007

Kachi Gals : Rani - Cece - Ayaz - Gue - Iffa - Ossa - Yolla

Kachi Gals : Desfi - Sasya - Gue

Friday, October 7, 2011

Melaka Darul Azim

Guess what, I've told ya!
Melaka is a great place to be visited!
I really enjoyed my trip to Melaka.
Yeah it's small but the places inside Melaka is worth to visit.
*ah ngulang-ngulang aja kalimat gue!*
But unfortunately The Eyes on Malaysia here had already been removed. D*mn :(

I was staying at Renaissance Hotel, around Bandar Hilir. It's near Malacca Strait and Jonker Walk.
My dad's friend, Om Adi, his wife Tante Reni and their daughter Hana were so enthusiastic to give me and my family a good companion :)

So, I only had one day to satisfy myself visiting Melaka. So that morning, the first place to be visited was : Mesjid Terapung Selat Melaka.
Subhanallah, it's very very beautiful, dude! You don't have to go umroh just to see Mesjid Terapung :p
*ahahahaha kidding!*
There, we also can see Malacca Strait, the longest and busiest strait in the world :D

Mesjid Terapung Selat Melaka

Malacca Strait was behind us!

Then, next visit was Christ Church and A Famosa, the historical places at Melaka. Places you shouldn't miss while visiting Melaka :)
Near this place there are so many culinary spot. Yummy! The taste of cendol durian and gula jawa made my day!

Most common Melaka's spot ;p

A Famosa, yes it's famous!
*A Famosa means The Famous in Portuguese*

Cendol Durian!

After that, we visit Dataran Pahlawan Melaka Megamall, because my shopaholic mom wanted to buy any accessories. And it took sooooooooooooooo looooooooooooooooooooooooong time for her to choose the stuff.
See the difference of time *sigh*



See the difference already? So don't wonder why my feet became so stiff *over*

Then we tried to see Melaka from the sky, yeah by entering Menara Taming Sari. Great view! Worth to try! You have to pay RM20/person in order to enjoy Melaka city view for errrrr 7 minutes only -..-

Menara Taming Sari

The object is ... blur. Fullstop.

And the last place we visit was Jonker Walk! It only opens on weekend. So lucky us we visited Jonker Walk on Sunday, night! Hahahaha.. And just so you know my mom was 'gelap mata'. Shopped until she dropped.
Well, no difference with Petaling Street Kuala Lumpur, Per Thai Hat Yai or Chatuchak Bangkok, but relatively smaller. And cheap! :D

Jonker Walk Delight!

After that, since we felt exhausted and found that yeah it was an exhausting activity, we went home at 11 pm. Gosh, what I was looking for was only my comfortable hotel bed.
Okay that's the end of this post. See you on the next post! xoxo

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

น่าตื่นเต้น หาดใหญ่ Hectic Hat Yai

So then my shopaholic mom whined to me that she really wanted to go to Hat Yai. Since today is Tuesday, I said to her that no night market at Per Thai. So she would not find any cheap dress or shoes or accessories. But since she pushed me that way, I complied what she wanted by perforce. OH-KAY!

First we went to border of Malaysia - Thailand. After finishing immigration stuff, we found a travel to go to Hat Yai at a place called Dannok. Then we got involved with forty-five-minutes trip to Hat Yai by travel. We stopped at Lee Garden Plaza, the biggest shopping mall at Hat Yai. To tell you what, I prefer going to Songkhla Beach rather than shopping!!!!!!!!

There, my mom as usual, bored me with her shopping plus bargaining activities.
You know, mall is much more expensive than market rite? So she could not satisfy her passion to shop due to the expensive stuffs.
Then she confessed her regret to visit Hat Yai on Tuesday. Tell me about it!

After being disappointed that she could not find something interesting, we went back to Dannok and then hotel after immigration. But then my mom continues her shopping time there. ALAMAKKK!

Then I felt like my feet were stiff again and again.

Here are some photos.


With Momski in front of Lee Garden

Momski in front of Lee Garden

Inside Tuk Tuk

Around Hat Yai

Monday, October 3, 2011

Double 1 Double 2 Double Big Days

Twenty two years old already. Already the age of someone to start his/her career.
God, give me your best :)

My mom and dad celebrated my birthday at Secret Recipe Jitra. So effing happy!!!!!