Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Stranger by The Day

I’ve finished my photography class X(

So on Sunday and Wednesday I just have one class, German I class! Yeahs!

Today I had so many free time. Woooo - hoooo!

After going home I directly go to bed and sleep. No one was in my room. Yugi had a class, Uut met her boyfriend. So free!

But at 3.30 PM, someone knocked my door. Rino, my senior. He wanted to burn his CD, for photography assignment that he had not submitted yet. After he went home, I intentionally planned to continue my sleep but that plan had been canceled as my handphone rang. Uut asked me to go to Petronas Cafe then accompanied her eating lunch. Since I was also hungry, I said OK. I asked her to wait for me as I changed my clothes. After that I would meet her in Arabic Cafe, not far from my room.

After arriving at Arabic Cafe, I saw Uut was not with her boyfriend, but with Mas Don, Ph.D student. Then when we already wanted to leave, Mas Don asked us to eat outside UUM Campus. We, with pleasure, directly said YES! Hahahahahaha…

We ate at Jagoh (waw, Mas Don also always eat there, haha ..). We talked so many things. Mas Don is a great person I think! He advised me everything. He makes me relieved, at least, he gave me advices. Salute!

As we wanted to go home, many Immigration officers came to that restaurant. They asked my identity card. I gave my Immigration card my passport. Evidently, they made a razia of foreign citizen that enter Malaysia illegally. And, people at Jagoh all are Thailand citizens and they had to go back to their town. Poor them.

We went home and we were the lastest costumer who came to Jagoh :(

Bye bye Jagoh, we will miss you. X’(

Monday, March 30, 2009

Last Week of Fourth Season

Waw, the fouth season of lecturing time will have been finished soon, by next week. There are two meanings with this statement.

The first one : Tons of Assignment must be submitted as soon as possible

The second one : Final Exam Nightmare also will be coming soon

What the f*ck?!

So far, I’ve interviewed my roommate, Uut, for journalistic assignment. In that assignment I’ll make news with a topic about Student Representative Council (Majelis Perwakilan Pelajar) and I have to record the interview to assure that I’ve interviewed the source. Sigh.

The undone one is : Statistic for Social Science. The problem is that I’m soooooo late to find the members of my group. Actually there are four other members of my Statistic group but I just successfully found the two ones.

Then we DO NOT KNOW what we have to do. The other problem is created.

Why so?

1). We don’t have the question that the lecturer gave in the first meeting

2). We did attend the lab class, but we didn’t understand :(

3). The due time is on April 6th, 2009 and we don’t have time to do that.

The solution is : likely I will ask my friend to help and teach me SPSS. ‘Cause if i just rely on my group members, this assigment will be undone.

Then tomorrow I’ll have a German I presentation. The slide is not finished yet. But it’s just okay, I already done the material.

And I’ve got a bad news. My Communication Law group got the worst marks in the class. Well, no wonder. Bad presentation we made that day. But I still don’t believe he was so mean to us. He, the new lecturer :’(

The last but not least : Putriana Perwitasari will be going to Taiwan soon. Waw, it’ll be a great experience, huh? So jealous!

What else? No more idea what to write. If I got, I’ll write, I promise.

So I got to go, smell ya in other time ;)

Mmmmmuuuuuuuaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh XXX

Temporarily Goes to Wordpress ;)

Untuk sementara gue maen Wordpress dulu deh. Lagi bosen ma blogger :D
Maen ke sini yaa : http://nutnutlicious.wordpress.com
Thank you very much, Danke!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Serunya Konvo!

Lagi musim konvo nih. Konvo maksudnya wisudaan kuliah gituu.
Nah kalo lagi musim konvo ada bazaar2 gitu di deket2 Pusat Sukan (Sport Center)
Kemaren gue ama Uut, room mate sekaligus partner in crime gue jajan ke situ. Eh di sana ketemu anak2 sem 1 kaya Dika, Nabil, Ber, Emil, Riyan, Reza, Fariz, Yovan, dll. Kita beli ayam madu. Sumpah selera makan anak2, terutama si Ber ama si Reza kaya barbar.
Abis itu si Reza cabut. Yang lain ga tau ke mana. Jadilah lima orang keren yang terdiri dari : Nadra, Uut, Dika, Nabil, dan Ber yang tersisa. Kami nyasar ke bagian jualan baju, bunga, dll.
Eh pas lagi jalan kita nemu maenan kaya bianglala, ontang-anting. Pas ngeliat orang maen ontang anting bahkan sampe ada yang muntah, kami penasaran. Jadilah kami mendelegasikan Dika (karena dia yang paling semangat) sebagai kelinci percobaan. Kami iming-imingi dengan tawaran kami membayar RM3 kalo dia mau maen. Dasar malang nasib si Dika, dia matanya langsung ijo aja ngeliat duit padahal cuman RM3. Huahahahahahahahahaha~, kamu tidak akan lari dari jebakan kami! Akhirnya dia pun maen tuh ontang anting. Sumpah ontang-antingnya sangat menyeramkan dan tinggi. Gue ga bisa ngebayangin tuh orang pas lagi naek ontang-anting. Full scream!
Pas Dika dah mau selese tiba2 tercetus ide buat ngerjain dia. Si Nabil ma Ber ngajak sembunyi biar si Dika nyari2. Trus emang beneran tuh orang nyari. Sumpah kami lari lari sana sini biar ga ketauan dia. Huahahahaha tegang gila, kaya orang gila, diliatin lagi ama orang2. Emang tuh dua makhluk! Hahahahaha. Akhirnya kami kasian ma si Dika jadinya menampakkan diri lagi deh. Hihihihihi. Untung dia ga marah.
Pulangnya ga dapet kereta sapu! Ahhh sial! :((
Jadilah gue ma Uut jalan berdua. Gue make sendal jepit, sakit kaki gue :(
Mana muka gue gatel-gatel gara2 impact nasi goreng campur yang gue makan di Thailand 2 hari yang lalu (ada udangnya dan gue alergi).
Akhirnya balik gue langsung tewas alias tidur hehehe

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Answer This!

001. Real Name:
Kanya Nadra Andhina

002. Nickname(s):
Kanya, Nadra, Nyanya, Ucrit, Once, Rabbit, Nut

003. Age:

004. Horoscope :

005. Male or Female:

006. Elementary:
SD IBA Palembang (1-3), SD II YSP PUSRI Palembang (4-6)

007. Middle School:

008. High School:
SMA Kusuma Bangsa Palembang

009. College School:
Universiti Utara Malaysia

010. Hair colour:
Actually black but last month I had my hair dyed exotic red

011. Long or Short:
Medium ;)

012. Loud or Quiet:
See situation and condition

013. Sweats or Jeans :

014. Phone or Camera:
Both. hehe

015. Health Freak:

016. Drink or Smoke:

017. Do you have a crush on someone:

018. Eat or Drink:
Both are important :P

019. Piercings:

020. Tattoos:

021. Social or Anti- Social:

023. First piercing:
I don't have any

024. First relationship :
When I was 12 :P

025. First Best Friend:
A boy called Agung. I don't even know where he lives now after not meet each other since more than 10 years

026. First Award:
#3 in singing competition ;)

027. First Kiss :
Not yet

028. First Pet:

029. First Big Vacation:
To Singapore when I was 12

030. First Love at first sight :
Hmmmmmmmm... Forget

031. First Big Birthday:
When I was 6, celebrated in my classroom :)

032. First Surgery:
Not yet

033. First sport you joined:

This or That
034. Orange or Apple juice:

035. Rock or Rap:

036. Country or Screamo:

037. NSYNC or Backstreet boys:
BSB alright!

038. Britney spears or Christina Aguilera:

039. Night or Day:

040. Sun or Moon:

041. TV or Internet:
Internet and TV

042. Playstation or xbox:

043. Kiss or hug:

044. Iguana or turtle:

045. Spider or bee:

046. Fall or spring:

047. Limewire or iTunes:

048. Soccer or baseball:

049. Eating:

050. Drinking:

051. Excitement level :
No spirit

052. I’m about to:
Take a bath

053. Listening to:
The sound of Air Conditioner

054. Plan for today:
Interview room mate

055. Waiting for:

056. Energy Level:
50% and will be decreased soon

057. Thinking of someone:

058. Want kids?:

059. Want to get married?:

060. When?:
When I find what I've been looking for

061. How many kids do you want:

062. Any name on the mind:
His name!

063. What did you want to be when you were little:

064. Careers in mind:

065. Mellow future or wild:

066. Something you would never try:
Free sex

067. When do you want to die:
When I've already done the things that God asked.

Which is the better in the boy/girl you like (in the future)
068. Lips or Eyes :

069. Romantic or Funny?:

070. Shorter or Taller?:

071. Protective or Caring?:

072. Romantic or Spontaneous?:

073. Nice Stomach or Nice Arms?:
Nice Arms

074. Sensitive or Loud?:

075. Hook-up or Relationship?:
Hook-up, maybe?

076. Trouble Maker or Hesitant?:
Trouble Maker

077. Muscular or normal:

Have you ever
078. Kissed a stranger:

079. Broken a bone:

080. Lost glasses or contacts:
I am not wearing glasses/contacts

081. Ran away from home:

082. Held a gun/knife for self defence:
No, just a broom :P

083. Killed somebody:

084. Broken some one’s heart:

085. Had your heart broken:

086. Been arrested:

087. Cried when someone died:
Of course

088. Liked a friend more than a friend:

Do you believe in
089. Yourself:

090. Miracles:

091. Love at first sight:

092. Heaven:

093. Santa Claus:

094. Tooth Fairy:

095. Kiss in the first date :

096. Angels:

Answer Truthfully
097. Is there 1 person you want to be with right now?

098. Are you seriously happy with where you’re in life now?

099. Do you believe in God?

100. Post as 100 truths and tag 10 people.

I wanna tag :
Kak Dian
Kak Dara
Sensian tingkat tinggi. Dikit-dikit kesel, dikit-dikit bawaan mau marah, dikit-dikit ga mood! Ah pokoknya ada aja yang ga sesuai ma hati.
Kadang-kadang suka heran sendiri deh sama diri sendiri. Apa yang salah dengan diri gue? Retorik banget emang pertanyaan gue.
Gue agak ngerasa, temen-temen gue pada ngejauh dari gue gara-gara tabiat gue belakangan ini.
Gue ngerasa gue masih jauh banget dari dewasa. Gue ga ada arah hidup lagi, semakin lama hidup gue makin abstrak.
Yaaa ... bukan berarti gue mau bunuh diri, well gue ga senekat dan seberani itu, lagian itu adalah mati dengan cara yang konyol, bener-bener pasrah banget. Gue ga mau yang kaya gitu. Masih banyak usaha yang bisa gue lakuin. Tapi apa?
Semangat aja udah ga ada. Gue takut, gue ga bisa ngebahagiain orang tua gue. Gue takut segala usaha dan kebaikan mereka ke gue sia-sia aja.


Friday, March 13, 2009

Fenomena Bisnis di Kalangan Anak Apartemen!

Belakangan ini banyak banget dah anak-anak apartemen (baca : anak Indo yang ada di apartemen di kampus gue) yang buka bisnis yang cukup menarik : bisnis makanan.
Mulai dari Kak Tya yang buka usaha catering seminggu RM35, trus dibuka Manggaleh Coorporation oleh Bang Cimenk ma Bang Echo dengan nama-nama makanannya yang aneh-aneh, trus terakhir Bang Adam cs juga buka usaha martabak. Asekkkkk. Seharusnya gue seneng karena dengan adanya bisnis-bisnis itu, gue akan lebih mudah nyari makan pas lagi kelaperan. Cuman jeleknya gue jadi boros dan ga perhitungan. Gue jadi jarang makan nasi. Dan kalo keseringan makan yang instant gue jadi ga sehat. Huaaaaaaaaa. Bawaan pengen jajan mulu!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Die Meister Die Besten Les Grandes Équipes The Champions

Welcome UEFA Champions League Quarter-Final!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Tagged by Nanad


1. She's Nadiah binti Mansor.
2. She was my course mate when I was still in Decision Science and had one same class with me, Teori Taburan Statistik, with Puan Malina! Hihihi X)
3. I thought she was Indonesian. But in fact she is Malaysian, from Penang :)
4. We have same nickname, Nad.
5. Manchester United is our most favorite football team team ever!
6. Van der Sar is her favorite player and of course goal keeper ;)
7. Me and my room mates use her name for TM internet service.
8. She is on diet-program. Same like Uut, my room mate.
9. Her birthday is twelve days after mine, but she's one year older than me.
10. Our big dream : going to Old Trafford! Yaaaaayyyy! Woooo-hooo!

I'm tagging :
kak dian

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Do I Need a Reason - D'Sound

Gue dah cukup lama (at least bukan baru-baru ini lah) tau nih lagu tapi ga tau kenapa tiba-tiba gue jadi suka banget sama nih lagu. Kalo lagi denger musik di handphone nih lagu pasti gue ulang-ulang trus.

Do I Need a Reason - D'Sound

Today when I saw you
I knew it was just like the first time
When you met my eyes I came close
And I felt like the first time

To hold back my fear
and feel you so near
I’ve never been this far before
To hold back my fear
and feel you so near
I’m scared of falling into deep this time

Do I need a reason to tell you why
I’m singing you this song
Do I need a reason to show you that
I know where I belong
Whenever I am weary I lean on
this feeling that I have
I am so much stronger now
Thankful, yes I am

Today I’ll renounce them,
the doubts and the fears I’ve been nursing
I’ll fly like a moth to the flame
and I’ll feel like the first time

To hold back my fear
and let you come near
I’ve never been this far before
To hold back my fear
and let you come near
I’m ‘fraid of loosing and still I go