Monday, March 30, 2009

Last Week of Fourth Season

Waw, the fouth season of lecturing time will have been finished soon, by next week. There are two meanings with this statement.

The first one : Tons of Assignment must be submitted as soon as possible

The second one : Final Exam Nightmare also will be coming soon

What the f*ck?!

So far, I’ve interviewed my roommate, Uut, for journalistic assignment. In that assignment I’ll make news with a topic about Student Representative Council (Majelis Perwakilan Pelajar) and I have to record the interview to assure that I’ve interviewed the source. Sigh.

The undone one is : Statistic for Social Science. The problem is that I’m soooooo late to find the members of my group. Actually there are four other members of my Statistic group but I just successfully found the two ones.

Then we DO NOT KNOW what we have to do. The other problem is created.

Why so?

1). We don’t have the question that the lecturer gave in the first meeting

2). We did attend the lab class, but we didn’t understand :(

3). The due time is on April 6th, 2009 and we don’t have time to do that.

The solution is : likely I will ask my friend to help and teach me SPSS. ‘Cause if i just rely on my group members, this assigment will be undone.

Then tomorrow I’ll have a German I presentation. The slide is not finished yet. But it’s just okay, I already done the material.

And I’ve got a bad news. My Communication Law group got the worst marks in the class. Well, no wonder. Bad presentation we made that day. But I still don’t believe he was so mean to us. He, the new lecturer :’(

The last but not least : Putriana Perwitasari will be going to Taiwan soon. Waw, it’ll be a great experience, huh? So jealous!

What else? No more idea what to write. If I got, I’ll write, I promise.

So I got to go, smell ya in other time ;)

Mmmmmuuuuuuuaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh XXX

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