Monday, September 14, 2009

What's UP?

It's been a couple months since my last update. So folks, what have you been up to?
Oh you can't imagine how I really miss doing this. I've missed a wishing of Happy Ramadhan Month. Teehee.

So for now I wanna say HAPPY EID MUBARRAQ to all of you who celebrate it.

Talking about the big day, I'll be going to Padang for this Hari Raya! :)
Yeah, I haven't come back to my parents' hometown since I entered university, two years ago.
So I will use opportunity to spend my come-back-to-my-parent's-hometown with family gathering and of course : go around Padang. I really miss Padang! Cannot wait x)

I'll be back to Indonesia on this Thursday, September 17th, 2009! Wait me yaaaaa.

P/S : The sad news is I have to be separated from Cokii for a week :'(
Will be missing you, Ayang Iseng! Muaaccchhhhhhhhhh

Ayang Elek Ayang Iseng