Thursday, November 5, 2009


Hell-o November! Hahahaha it's already too late for me to say this. It's already November 6th!
November = Examination month!
I've already done three exams. The first exam was on November 3rd. My comment, the exam was so piece of cake! Hahahaha ;p I could do almost 90%!
The second exam was on November 4th. Hmmmmmm quiet difficult because I didn't study! Hahahaha lucky me, I could cheated someone that sat in front of me! And the third exam was yesterday. Japanese III. TOTALLY DIFFICULT >.<

I still have four exams to go *sigh*
The climax is on November 8th, guess what subject? RESEARCH METHOD! And I haven't studied yet :(

Wish me luck guys!

And lastly, do you know one thing that makes November so special? It's Cokii's birthday ;3
Hihihihihi, the same date with my room mate, Uut. And now I'm thinking how to make birthday blast for them?

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