Monday, March 29, 2010

Bagus Ahimsa Harun ♥

His Birthday:
November 16th 1987

How long have you been together?
11 months

How long did you know each other before you got together?
About almost two years.

What physical features attracted you to him first?
His smile and laughter. He really looks sweet when he smiles and laughs :D

Hair color:
Black .

Hair style:
He used to keep his hair quite long. When we first declared ourselves as couple, he still kept his hair long. Then after that he had his hair cut. So handsome >.<

How did you know each other?
First time we knew each other, I really forget. Maybe when we first met in my university. But that time we never talked each other. Then when it was first mid semester break, we met in Kuala Lumpur. I just gave my simple smile to him. Then soooooooo long later, at fourth semester, he tried to approach me. He came to my room frequently. Accompanied me to everywhere I wanna go. And voila in ten days we are couple! ;p


How serious is it?
Kind of serious.

Are you in love?
Every second - Yes.

Do your parents like him?
Not really sure. I hope they will like him. He just met my mom.

Does it matter?

Do you trust him?
Of course. I always trust him.

Do you like the way he smells?
Ahahahahaha I am addicted to his smell. Believe or not, I really like his saliva's smell hahaha >.<

Can you picture having kids with him:

Does he have a temper?
Yes. Big YES. He is easily getting angry.

Are you happy to be with him:
No words can describe how happy I am.

Does he embarrassed you in public:
Never. Thank God.


Does he have any piercings?
No. He says, having any piercings is like a gay!

Does he have any scars that you know of?
Yes, near his eyebrows.

Is he a party dude or stay at home kind of guy?
Stay at home kind of guy ♥

Is he Outgoing or Shy?
He is stay at home kind of guy, but he is kinda outgoing.

Does he love his mama?
Of course!

Would he hang out with you and YOUR friends?
Yes. He is easygoing. He can make friends to everyone, as long as they can accept him.

Does he sing?
Yes, sometimes. Although his voice is not really great, but I always enjoy when he sings.

Does he snore?

Do you like his friends?
Hmmmmmm in campus, yes. His friends are my friends too. But in Jakarta, hmmm yeah. But I usually hang out with Nita and Verry only.

The funniest thing is, I always already miss him even we are still together.
Aku sayang kamu banget Yang! Parahnya di setiap obrolan kamu trus yang aku bahas!
Semoga ga ada yang bosen ya teman :)

Monday, March 22, 2010

Dari BlackBerry ke GFFOS

Di post ini gue bingung mau nulis apaan sebenernya. Tapi tangan gatel mau nge-blog. Pengen liat posting-an baru. Ah nulis ngasal aja boleh lah yaaa ;3

Baru-baru ini ada percakapan konyol antara gue sama nyokap gue tentang BlackBerry. Begini ceritanya :

Gue : Bunda, beliin aku BB dong dong ;)) *hahaha gaya ababil dah gue*
Nyokap : Beli aja di Malaysia, jatuhnya bukan lebih murah?
Gue : Kaga ah, kalo BB jatuhnya di Indo lebih murah, karena pasarannya lebih rame gitu..
Nyokap : Di Indo takutnya cepet rusak juga.. Si Faza tuh dah hancur minah BB-nya.
Gue : Hah rusak gimana?
Nyokap : Gatau, linglung gitu katanya.
Gue : *ketawa*
Nyokap : Iya, beli BB emang untung-untungan juga. Kalo BB merk
Nexian yang buatan China harganya murah dan ga cepet rusak.
Gue : *ngakak keras* Jahh Bun, Nexian mah bukan BB, tapi BB ecek-ecek! BB-BB-an maksudnyee. Yang aku pengen tuh BlackBerry!

Hahahaha nyokap gue ngira semua yang dijual itu BlackBerry apa? Ngakak total gue!

Dan yang kedua, ada program namanya GFFOS (Garuda Fine Film On Screen). Pameran film-film Indonesia gitu di sini. Sekalian kampanye untuk selalu membeli DVD yang asli untuk menonton film produksi sendiri. Denger-denger di acara GFFOS bakal diputer film Sang Pemimpi! Bahkan mungkin di acara tersebut, film Sang Pemimpin ini pertama kali diputer di Malaysia! Ntar ada acara bedah film nya juga dan akan mendatangkan si produser! Waw, nice job, friends! Gue masih bingung bakal dateng apa kaga ;p
Yah cuman bisa ngedoain aja semoga acaranya sukses! SUKSES!

The teasers!

Sunday, March 21, 2010


I've decided to re-change my blog layout into the simple one, Minima. So bored with the 'crowded' layout ;3

Friday, March 19, 2010

Für dich, ich möchte sagen 'Auf Wiedersehen'. Du bist mein Freund nicht. Mehr.

I am sick of what you have said, what you have done! No thanks you at all? Yeah, I am leaving! I am giving up! I do not care about you anymore!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Yes I do love you too ♥♥♥♥♥

Me : Ayang kamu sayang aku ga sih?
Him : *smooch* I do not need to answer.

Viel Gluck!

1) Where is your cell phone?
Right here, beside my laptop

2) Relationship?
I love him very much ♥

3) Your hair?
A little bit curly *actually it's straight but since I wear veil, I have to tail them*

4) Work?
Not done yet

5) Your siblings?
3! And I miss them.

6) Your favorite thing?

7) Your dream last night?
He hugged and kissed me

8) Your favorite drink?
Tea o ais

9) Your dream car?
Anything I can get.

10) Your shoes?
I ♥ Vincci hehehe

11) Your fears?
Insects. Yucks :s

12) What do you want to be in 10 years?
I will be married and live happily ever after with a guy called Bagus Ahimsa Harun *blushing*

13) Who did you hang out with last weekend?
With my Technology Media friends. love ya all, friends ♥

14) What are you not good at?
memorizing something.

15) One of your wish list items?

16) Where you grew up?
Palembang since I was born.

17) Last thing you did?

18) What are you wearing?
Djakarta Tempo Doeloe t-shirt

19) What aren’t you wearing?
my veil huahahaha

20) Your pet?
Ruben Luna Pramono

21) Your computer?
No need to know ;3

22) Your life?
Like wheel that is going around.

23) Missing?
My old friends, my family.

24) What are you thinking about right now?
Hmmmppphhhhh :s

25) Your car?
I don't have one.

26) Your favorite color?
Red. As always.

27) Last time you laughed?
Just a second ago. He always makes me doing this :)

28) Last time you cried?
Last night. I hugged him, too emotional.

29) Love?
Yes I am in love ♥♥♥♥♥♥

30) So who wants to share their ONEs??

♥♥♥ Japanese music addicted ;3

Entah kenapa akhir-akhir ini gue bener-bener dilanda cinta sama musik-musik dari Jepang kaya Perfume, Chatmoncy, Tokyo Jihen, Special Others, toe, MONO, etc. Menurut gue mereka sangat jenius di bidang musik! Dengan suara yang unik dan full-experimental. Kayanya ini karena pengaruh si Cokii yang akhir-akhir ini suka search musik Jepang. Gue mah ngikut aja ;3

Dan yang paling gue suka adalah Tokyo Jihen. Gue suka banget dengerin album baru mereka yang baru, Sport. Keren mampus! Gue suka sama vokalisnya, si Shiina Ringo. Dulunya dia penyanyi solo tapi akhirnya beralih ke band. Terbentuknya si Tokyo Jihen ini adalah andil dari Shiina Ringo ini. Dan anggota band mereka bukan orang yang main-main. Para produser dikumpulin jadi satu! Dan permainannya rapih banget! Shiina Ringo ini gue denger-denger dijuluki Bjork-nya Jepang, karena gayanya yang nyentrik. Gue suka musiknya si Tokyo Jihen ini. Actually their genre is rock, tapi mereka suka mainin rada jazzy juga.

Shiina Ringo jaman solo karier nih

Gatau gue nih formasi kapan aja, masih poser nih gue haha

Gaya-gaya nyentriknya si Shiina Ringo

Nih salah tiga dari video yang gue bilang keren mampus.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Footprint at Universiti Putra Malaysia

Just home from Universiti Putra Malaysia. Thanks for nice welcoming, friends from UPM :)
Here are the documentations. I am too happy to write *oh is it a nice reason, Nadra?*

Studio *envy, in UUM there's not this kinda facility!*

Ossa is busy with her 'new toy' hahaha

Me and friends in front of Putra FM

Inside the radio studio

Inside the studio. Nyak, aye masuk tv nyak!

At FINAS, and I was taking picture with that film poster

Malam bersama bintang!

I like this photo!

Complete formation!

With Ben, singing My heart hahaha

My group member

Aiman, for the God's sake, he is funny!

With Encik Mot

Gaya gue sok asik!

We just had one hour to shop, but see the result!

Poor us, never see Starbucks lol

Thanks for your time, once again, UPM's students :)
What a nice experience! And you know what? I made a friend with an athlete from Malaysia. She is Leong Mun Yee, diving athlete. I heart her because she is so beautiful!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

It is really the hardest semester i've ever had :(

I am stuck at my class. So boring in this lab. And I decide to write this entry.
Well it is already the week 11th in my period of study. And I am finding that this is the hardest semester of my life. Yes, it is. I've compared from the other semester in the past.

I just take six subjects and now all those subject are making me mad. Those are :

1). Fundamental to Advertising. Yeah, it's actually a basic class. But, me, the final-year student, take it this semester. Great. Good student! Hahaaha. The assignments of this subject are finding logo of some brands (okay, it's easy), review of some product (easy too), scrapbook (errrrr) and one group assignment. But I still can stand it.

2). Script Writing Electronic. No need to explain, the assignment is just making film script. 120 pages. Arrrgggggggggghhhhhhh! And by the end of this month, that script must be submitted, and I have to join Writing Script Workshop at Dusun Resort, Kuala Nerang, Kedah. With the payment RM50 :hammer:

3). Radio Online. This class is not that hard. The assignment is just making radio script. At least, it's not as many as the film script!

4). Cyber Communication. It is a morning class on Tuesday. Morning class, awwwwww it doesn't sound friendly to me. I cannot wake up early in the morning! There are two group assignments. And I make one of them. 20 pages about GPS. Ahahaha I can have a little help from my boyfriend ♥

5). Digital Broadcasting Management. Interview a broadcasting company. Not done yet and the presentation already held. Good, good.

6). Digital Broadcasting Seminar. Pay RM200, going to Universiti Putra Malaysia by the end of this week. And assignment about Communication Theory. Well the assignment is just easy ;3