Monday, March 29, 2010

Bagus Ahimsa Harun ♥

His Birthday:
November 16th 1987

How long have you been together?
11 months

How long did you know each other before you got together?
About almost two years.

What physical features attracted you to him first?
His smile and laughter. He really looks sweet when he smiles and laughs :D

Hair color:
Black .

Hair style:
He used to keep his hair quite long. When we first declared ourselves as couple, he still kept his hair long. Then after that he had his hair cut. So handsome >.<

How did you know each other?
First time we knew each other, I really forget. Maybe when we first met in my university. But that time we never talked each other. Then when it was first mid semester break, we met in Kuala Lumpur. I just gave my simple smile to him. Then soooooooo long later, at fourth semester, he tried to approach me. He came to my room frequently. Accompanied me to everywhere I wanna go. And voila in ten days we are couple! ;p


How serious is it?
Kind of serious.

Are you in love?
Every second - Yes.

Do your parents like him?
Not really sure. I hope they will like him. He just met my mom.

Does it matter?

Do you trust him?
Of course. I always trust him.

Do you like the way he smells?
Ahahahahaha I am addicted to his smell. Believe or not, I really like his saliva's smell hahaha >.<

Can you picture having kids with him:

Does he have a temper?
Yes. Big YES. He is easily getting angry.

Are you happy to be with him:
No words can describe how happy I am.

Does he embarrassed you in public:
Never. Thank God.


Does he have any piercings?
No. He says, having any piercings is like a gay!

Does he have any scars that you know of?
Yes, near his eyebrows.

Is he a party dude or stay at home kind of guy?
Stay at home kind of guy ♥

Is he Outgoing or Shy?
He is stay at home kind of guy, but he is kinda outgoing.

Does he love his mama?
Of course!

Would he hang out with you and YOUR friends?
Yes. He is easygoing. He can make friends to everyone, as long as they can accept him.

Does he sing?
Yes, sometimes. Although his voice is not really great, but I always enjoy when he sings.

Does he snore?

Do you like his friends?
Hmmmmmm in campus, yes. His friends are my friends too. But in Jakarta, hmmm yeah. But I usually hang out with Nita and Verry only.

The funniest thing is, I always already miss him even we are still together.
Aku sayang kamu banget Yang! Parahnya di setiap obrolan kamu trus yang aku bahas!
Semoga ga ada yang bosen ya teman :)


  1. wkwkwk daku juga dulu sering bikin pertanyaan kek-gini, trus dijawab ndiri hehhehe....

  2. haha tp yg ini gue ngopi paste dr punya org :p
