Tuesday, October 20, 2009

October 20th, 2009 : And he did it!

Yeah, my boyfriend is serious with what he said! And the story goes, by the end of yesterday, his followers became 223. And he proved his promise today, drinking a litre of milk and eating a bar of cheese! Actually I wanna see the 'execution' but my film premiere (for assignment) forced me not to see that. Poor me! But I've got the documentations (after a hard selection ;p) :

Good job, darl! Well done!

If you wanna see the video (said in Indonesian and no subtitle ;3), just click here, click here and click here.

And today I felt so stress. I had not taken a sleep since last night. After going back to the night class, I went to Kachi, for editing my film and making the subtitles. Oh God, too many to adjust! I could not stand it, really! After that I had to attend the premiere. And lastly : Research Method discussion! PARAH GUE NGANTUK TAUK!

Now I am stuck with the Research Method assignment. Stress. Pray for me pals! Cheerio!


  1. don't stress senior
    in a way today is always...
    but i know.question always comin out with conclusions,searching for an inspiration :)

    do the best~

    gud luck for ur final exam ya

  2. yeah. thank you junior ;3
    good luck for you too. hehehe

  3. finally!!!incik coki mnum susu n mkmn keju sudah...hahak3...bgus2...
    gud job...:)

  4. @ ejan : yeah, he proved his promise :D
    @ bang own : who was ur lect?
