Tuesday, October 27, 2009

PERMEDIA Grand Dinner

Seems like I miss some events to publish, uh? Last Saturday Night, I didn't spend my time with my boyfriend. Why? I have to attend a-very-important-dinner-that-I-personally-also-cannot-miss-it! Yeah, my course's grand dinner! >.<

For me and my friends who take Broadcasting majoring, this dinner is compulsory. And I HAVE TO PAY RM60! Phew! Highly payed! We (me, Rindy, Wulan and Ossa) started to do some make up at 4.15 PM. Ayaz helped us to do it. The result was not bad. I looked beutiful :) Thank you Ayaz! But Cokii said my make up made me look stange :s

We went there by bus prepared by the commitee, at 5.30 PM. The event was.. kinda boring I think. But what made it impressive? Time to gather and take some pictures with my coursemates :)

I was with Rindy, Vivi, Wulan, Ika, Ossa, Desfi and Anja. We make so noises in the corner. What was so best with this event? My drama group got award for the best drama :) Congrats for us, guys! We went home at 12AM. So tired >.<

And here is some pictures!

Techmed Ceriaa :)

Rindy and me

I've got a fans! Hahaha ;p

Rindy - Khai - Halif - me

Encik Jimi!

And the nicest shot I love :

Thanks to Rindy who took it ;3

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