Wednesday, November 24, 2010

In my memory

And it was ended yesterday.
Good bye my campus life. I mean for the bachelor degree.
Will be missing my campus and Malaysia, of course :)
Last night I cried when I was leaving.
Thanks Cokii for making a beautiful last night at Universiti Utara Malaysia.
I also will be missing our time there :*

P.S : I am waiting for my flight at 4.30 pm.
Boarding time is at 4 pm and it is still five to 1 pm.

Here I give you some of my first photos here ;)
*don't be disgusted ;p*

Look at my face, so disgusting! Hahahaha..

My first dorm, Bukit Kachi 2 (now is SME Bank)

Air mancur depan Chanchellory

Gigi sehat *kelihatannya aja*

Perayaan Kemerdekaan Malaysia ke-50


  1. nadraaaaaaaaaaaaaa sedih mampus!!! kyknya gue bakal 'nyontek' kata-kata lo ya buat beberapa bulan kedepan! hiks hiks

    masa mahasiswa, masa muda, masa kita berjaya udah hampir abis. semangaaat ya buat internship dan beberapa tahun kedepan setelah konvo, cuma bisa berharap kita bakal tetep sama-sama becanda bareng, ngumpul bareng, jalan bareng diwaktu yg lain dengan cara yg berbeda.. hihi *nangis kejer* :')

  2. @ icunk : gue juga nangis pas brkt cunk :( iyaaa amin pastinya sih gitu ya ga? ternyata masa jaya kita di s1 hampir selesai yaaa..
    @dede : amin.. thanks banget yaaa.. lo masih ada utang foto pas yg kita jalan di tapak konvo dulu ;)
